Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29, 2016 Newsletter

Please click here for this week's newsletter.

Super Reader Program!

     During March, we celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday and Read Across America Day!  We're kicking off our Super Reader Program!  For the month of March, your child will bring home a Super Reader Log.  Please record each book you read to your child (or your child reads to you).  You may have them color in the Super Reader next to each log entry.  Keep the log in your child's backpack so that they may record books they read in school as well.  We will check the log every Friday.  For every 10 books, your child were earn a ribbon.  If they read 50 books, they will get to be a Super Reader for a day and wear a Super Reader cape!  If they read 100 books, they will get to wear the cape again AND be on PV News to highlight their favorite book!  We will wrap up the Super Reader Program on Friday April 1st!

Dr. Seuss Spirit Week

This week, we are celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

Monday - "The Cat in the Hat" Day - wear Red and White!
Tuesday - "My Many Colored Days" - Dress Hawaiian, bring a beach towel!
Wednesday - "Oh the Places You Will Go" Day - wear something with a place you've been to!
Thursday - "Fox in Socks" Day - Wear crazy socks today!
Friday - "The Sleep Book" Day - Wear pajamas!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Strategies for Your Son/Daughter to Use When Reading

      There are many strategies we use as fluent readers, but students learning to read need help learning these strategies.  Students sometimes use one, two, or more of these strategies to help them decode an unknown word.  Keep in mind that each student develops at their own rate.  For example, a student who may not have all of their letter sounds down may have trouble tapping out a word, while a student who knows all their sounds might be able to 'look for chunks' in words or 'flip the vowel'.  It all depends on the student and the word they are trying to decode.  Here's a list of strategies we focus on to help us decode new words in Kindergarten...

You may find this as a small bookmark in your child's guided reading folder...